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No Win No Fee



We provide high-quality services, including a no-cost claim evaluation, to help you with personal injury cases. Our services also ensure that we will not charge you any fees unless we successfully recover your compensation.

How can we help ? Contact Us Now

You are our primary focus.

Our friendly and competent staff will go to great lengths to ensure that you have a happy and fruitful experience, ensuring that all proceedings are transparent and that all procedures focus primarily on your welfare. Every line of action is carried out at our organization with discretion to ensure client satisfaction and the best possible value for money.


Workplace Accident

If you have suffered an injury at your workplace, you should file a work accident claim for personal injury compensation. Employees might suffer both physical and psychological problems due to workplace accidents. Therefore it’s important to seek compensation for your recovery.


Housing Disrepair

You have the legal right to initiate a claim against your landlord if you believe your landlord is improperly maintaining your rented home. Further, if your landlord has refused to make necessary repairs and adjustments despite your notification, you must not tolerate it and seek legal advice. 


Road Traffic Accident

We understand that being involved in a traffic accident can significantly impact people. It involves a traumatic experience, bodily injury, automobile damage, and, most importantly, life-threatening repercussions. You may be in a position to begin a claim if you faced an automobile accident and believe someone else’s negligence caused it.

Criminal Injury

CICA, The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, is a non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom dedicated to the welfare of criminal injury victims. It aids victims in getting compensation for criminal injuries such as physical assault, sexual abuse, and other forms of abuse.

Trip & Slip, Fall

Trips and slips are common in our daily lives, and they can cause serious injury. They can occur anywhere, including on the road, at work, on a street paving stone, or at a store.If you got injured by slipping or tripping over worn-out or uneven infrastructure, you can claim compensation from local authorities for your loss

Medical Negligence

Medical workers may make mistakes while treating patients, resulting in injury, poor health, or worsening of their condition. Surgical errors, misdiagnosis, or bad medication advice could all contribute to this.

School Accident

If your child has been unfortunately injured at school, please contact one of our attorneys. If you teach at a school or are a member of other school staff, you can also contact us. Our lawyers will relentlessly pursue your claim, ensuring that you or your kid is adequately compensated for their injuries.

Dog Bite Injury

If you have been bitten or wounded by a dog, we can help you seek compensation from the dog’s owner. Please contact our skilled and professional lawyers and counselors as soon as possible to claim your compensation.

Why Choose Us

Our expertise

We specialize in assisting accident victims in receiving compensation for their injuries, whether the accident was while driving in a car, a workplace accident, or something else entirely. Please get in touch with our support staff at +44 29 2271 1208 if you have any queries about your claim rights or seek additional information by filling out our online inquiry form

No Win No Fee

If the claim is unsuccessful, customers will not be obligated to pay any fees to the solicitor who handled their case under our No Win – No Fee arrangement. However, if the claim is successful, customers will pay the solicitor a success fee of 25% of the money obtained. Please fill out the form given on this page or call our friendly and professional staff at the number provided for more information.

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